
What is nose wing reduction?
It is the adjustment of the nostrils to be narrower. It is usually done together with rhinoplasty to get a beautiful, natural-looking nose. The important structure of the nostrils is cartilage. When the cartilage and excess flesh are cut off, the nose will be smaller, the nostrils will be folded down, and the nose will be decorated to be beautiful. There are many techniques for rhinoplasty, depending on the patient’s problem and the doctor’s assessment LANNA
Why do you need to cut your nostrils?
By nature, Asians have wide nostrils. Some have wide noses, large noses, and too much flesh. A nose job alone will not solve this problem. Some patients only get a nose job but do not retouch the nostrils. After doing it, they feel that the shape of their nose is strange and does not fit their face. If they correct it by cutting the nostrils and adding a nose job, the entire nose will look smaller. The face will look more dimensional and prominent.

Types of Nose Wing Reduction In rhinoplasty, most Thais have two types of nostril reduction as follows
What benefits does nose wing reduction provide?

Preparing for rhinoplasty surgery
– Stop smoking, at least 1 week before surgery
. – Stop all types of alcoholic beverages, at least 1 week before surgery.
– Stop taking painkillers and muscle-inflammation reducing drugs before surgery, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. You should stop taking vitamins, fish liver oil, and all types of dietary supplements.
– Inform your doctor about your medical history before surgery.
Procedure of Nose Wing Surgery
In the external incision of the nostrils, anesthesia is applied to the nostrils. In the internal incision of the nostrils, anesthesia may not be applied or may be applied to the front of the outer nostrils instead.
The doctor measures the area to be cut.
The doctor injects anesthesia with a very small needle.
The doctor cuts off the nostrils one at a time to stop the bleeding and check that the cut nostrils are approximately the same size.
The nostrils are sutured in the tissue and muscle layers.
The external wound is sutured with small threads to reduce scarring.

Post-operative care for rhinoplasty
– Take medication and strictly follow the doctor’s orders.
– During the first 3-4 days, apply cold compresses on the cheeks and forehead. After that, apply warm compresses to reduce swelling and bruising.
– Use a cotton swab soaked in water to clean the face and avoid wearing makeup for 7 days (you can wear makeup 7 days after surgery).
– Sleep with a high head pillow and use a neck pillow. Avoid lying flat or lying on your side.
– Avoid pickled foods, smoking, and drinking alcohol for at least 1 month.
– Avoid lifting heavy objects or strenuous exercise, and causing vibrations to the nose.
– After removing the stitches, use a cotton swab to clean the inside of the wound.
– You can use a cotton swab soaked in warm water or saline to clean the wound inside the nostrils.
– Avoid getting the wound exposed to water or moisture. Use a cotton swab soaked in warm water to clean your face instead.
About us

ดร.นพ.ธีรศักดิ์ แพทยาดิกุล
Dr.Teerasak Pattayadeekul
อาจารย์พิเศษ Dermatology and Regenerative medicine สำนักเวชศาสตรชะลอวัย ม.แม่ฟ้าหลวง / แพทย์ปริญญาเอก สาขา ผิวหนัง ศัลยกรรมผิวหนัง/เลเซอร์/ความงาม
- Fellow in dermato surgery & LASER รามาธิบดี .
- Vissiting fellow dermatology Juntendo Dermatology & Dermatopathology.
- MD.Msc.Phd in Dermatology / LASER / Aesthetic Surgery.
- Fellow in LASER surgey and Facial plastic surgery Fort Lauaderdel Florida USA
- Diploma of Hair Transplantation by Thai association and Academy of Cosmetic surgery and medicine
พญ.ทวีพร ตรีประภากร
Dr.Thaweeporn Treepraphakorn
แพทย์ อเมริกันบอร์ดปลูกผม (ABHRS)
- Fellowship in Cosmetic Surgery/ Korean college of Cosmetic Surgery
- Diplomate American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery/ABHRS
- International Board of Hair Restoration Surgery / IBHRS
- Certificate Hair transplantation By Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
- Member in association of Aesthetic Anti-aging Surgery,Thailand
- Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)
- Certificate Liposuction by Korean college of Cosmetic Surgery
- Master degree in Dermatology (MSc)